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Where: Brick Mill Cafe on the Main North Road Waikuku
When: See Facebook For Details
New Zealand Corvettes
NZ Corvettes was said to be founded around 1980 by a Kiwi gentleman of English descent called Jim Maidens (who passed away in 1997) along with the support of a few local NZ Corvette owners.
From this evolved the first Vette get-together (known as the Corvette Nationals today) which was held in Nelson in 1981 with 16 Corvettes attending, a far cry from the numbers we see now.
The Corvette Nationals has also been held in the Christchurch region on a few occasions with the most recent in 2013 in Hanmer Springs with over 100 cars entering this event
There are publications of the Corvette Gazette, a New Zealand register along with information for the NZ Corvette Nationals available by joining the NZ Corvettes.
Information on these and more can be found on the link below.
For more information on the NZ Corvette Nationals and the organisers click here
Click here for the National Corvette Restorers Society (NCRS)