Black Caps to play England, Australia and India at Hagley Oval
Christchurch City Council has finalised its loan agreement details of a rates-neutral $1 million to the Canterbury Cricket Trust to help pay for six new sports floodlights at Hagley Oval.
It will also give Christchurch enormous international exposure, which is very important for our tourism industry, particularly following on from Covid-19 and its impacts.
A nearby training centre has traditionally supported the Hagley Oval facility. This building was used by Canterbury Cricket until 1989, when the Canterbury Horticultural Society took over the building. Now, with a substantial refurbishment, the building is returning to cricket with a renewed focus and revitalised energy.The indoor training centre will cater to all grades of men’s and women’s cricket, from junior, college, club, and age group level to provincial, national and international teams. It will also provide vital space for multi-use, multisport
undertakings, ensuring the wider community can gain considerable benefit from this central hub.
Although final costs are currently being obtained we know this for certain: there will be a shortfall in funding.
We checked with the last tenants, and it has been confirmed – money doesn’t grow on trees.
The asking rate. What is needed.
It is estimated the Trust will need to raise $4m to ensure this vital resource is completed. This project will require great support from the wider cricket community in order to succeed. This figure will need to be made by mid-April, 2019.
Your donation will be recognised (unless you wish to remain anonymous), and a tax receipt will be provided where applicable.
Thank you for your generous support.
For any other queries to do with donations please contact:
Carol Harris
Tel: 027 720 9221
Email: contact@hagleyoval.co.nz