Pier facts
- Length: 300 metres
- Height: 7 metres above high tide
- Width: 6 metres
- Deck: 900mm thick pre-stressed concrete
- Piles: 17 piles, 1.4 metres diameter, 20 metres apart
- Designed by the Christchurch City Council City Solutions Unit
See Video's below
- Pier moves during the Christchurch Earthquke
- David Bowie Fireworks Tribute
Clock Tower and Library at Front of Pier
Fishing On The Pier
Our Pier is such a great asset for visitors and residents alike when fishing on the pier please take note of the rules and fishing zones.
Also remember to be courteous to all other New Brighton pier users and make visitors welcome.
There is a ban on fishing off the Pier on Sundays between 10am and 5pm.
When fishing outside these hours, the following rules apply:
- No fishing in the marked no fishing zone
- Only one rod and one hand line per fisher is permitted
- No over-head casting is allowed
- No commercial crab pots are allowed, and only one line with light weight gear per fisher is permitted
There are a variety of species to catch including crab, red cod, kahawai, dog fish and mullet. Catch limits apply.