Keep New Zealand Beautiful Clean-Up Week takes place from 14th to 20th of September 2015. It’s easy to get your branch, local community or school involved.
Last year alone, nearly 80,000 volunteers helped us to Keep New Zealand Beautiful. Keep New Zealand Beautiful Week is not just about the clean-ups. These events build and strengthen community spirit and allow people to demonstrate their pride in where they live.
Keep New Zealand Beautiful Clean-Up Week’s central aim is to increase community participation of all kinds, but also addresses issues of sustainability, environment, health, crime and social inclusion. We work in partnership with government bodies to deliver on sustainable and environmental initiatives.
KNZB Clean up week takes place from 14th to 20th of September 2015. It’s easy to get involved, simply join an organised Clean Up Event in your area, or set up your own Clean Up Event that other people can come along to. Once you’ve registered a clean up event we’ll send you everything you need to carry out your clean up (bags, gloves, certificates for participants, evaluation form) and you can download the “Event Guide” with heaps of information about how to conduct a clean up, health and safety/first aid information etc in the registration process. It's easy to register just click on either of the links below, follow the simple steps, and we’ll be in touch with everything else you need to make it happen!
Click here to find a clean up event in your area or to create your own!