Doing Business in Christchurch
Click here for more information on operating a business in Christchurch
Relocating to Christchurch click here
Relocating to New Zealand use the links below to assist.
Moving to New Zealand
NZ Ready online planning tool
See Links and Helpful Information below
Is your Business relocating to Christchurch or are you starting a new business in Christchurch New Zealand.
Welcome to a great place to do business, with so much happening and a growing population a good well thought out and planned Christchurch business will do well here.
We at christchurchnz.info can help you get started by offering information and services to help you on the way to building that business you wanted.
Our directory service provides real traffic to your door by way of google search results utilising substantial content on and about the city of Christchurch.
Google ad words campaign management with low overheads using experience and the practicable knowledge gained from having run numerous Google ad campaigns.
Web site development and domain management to ensure your business is represented in the best light on the web.
We are web developers.
We build websites based on Drupal that load fast, are easy to navigate, compatible with mobile devices, and rank well in Google, Drupal is the #1 platform for web content management.
We work a lot with web designers, graphic designers and marketing consultants. If building a website was like building a house, designers are the architects and we are the builders.
We take a creative idea and turn it into technical reality.
Offering packages that are cost effective with a quality product.
Call us now on 021 1779936 or click here to email christchurchnz.info
Links and Help
Business Mentors
Confidential, Independent, Impartial, New Zealand based help from some of New Zealand's brightest business leaders.
Not for profit organisation with volunteers serving as Mentor you will gain someone to go to bounce things off them and receive advice well worth a small fee.
Referral Organisation based on local groups meeting weekly and referring business to each.
Worth considering if your business fits you can attend groups of your choice to see what it is all about.
Costs: yearly fee and buy your own breakfast "note web site is American based and is a little cluttered"
Canterbury Employers Chamber of Commerce
Providing business support for an annual fee
Canterbury Innovation Ecosystem Map
Business startup help
Franchise New Zealand
Magazine and website provides information, advice and details on franchises
Hospitality New Zealand
Voluntary trade association giving hospitality operators a helping hand with their business.
NZ Manufacturers & Exporters Association
Network group of New Zealand manufacturers looking to grow their business.
Retailers Association
Large retail trade association with a membership base
NZ Govt Useful Links
Business and economic activity
This page provides links to ongoing monitoring and reporting of local economic data.
Business licences and consents
Many business activities require a consent, a licence or a permit from the Council.
Companies Office
Register your business or search for other companies a really easy to use site and can be very useful for research you will need to have a RealMe login first though.
Grants and help for your new business
If you’ve launched a new business or become self-employed, help is at hand. Government support such as grants, low-cost business advice and mentoring will help you get off the ground.
Guide to starting a business
Ten step guide to starting a business.
How to start your own business
Find out the basics of setting up a new business.
How to write a business plan
Tips and templates for preparing a business plan
Inland Revenue Department
A sign of a good business is one that pays it's tax and these people are more than willing to help you through the red tape and take away the confusion.
Tools for Business
IRD tools and links to help you out.
Moving to New Zealand
New Zealand Govt site providing informating on moving to our country.
NZ Ready online planning tool
New Zealand Govt tool to work through eligibility.