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Get Together
Where: Brick Mill Cafe on the Main North Road Waikuku
When: See Facebook For Details
Christchurch Corvettes
Are a group of owners that has a non structured easy going system of drives and runs that look to be relaxing and fun.
Several people look after the list of members and members are free to organise runs or events and can use the Facebook page to invite the rest of the membership to join in.
Membership is not just limited to Christchurch, they have members on their email list from all over country.
Christchurch Corvettes as it is today has evolved from a few enthusiastic local corvette owners, who were also foundation members of the New Zealand Corvette register which started around 1980.
Ten years ago they might have had less than ten cars turn up to a cruise, and now its possible for over 30 Corvettes to attend one of the Christchurch Corvette runs.