“When all parts of the human body are in line, we have perfect health.
When they are not, the effect is disease.
When the parts are readjusted, disease gives place to health.”
Andrew Still (1828-1917) — the founder of Osteopathy
“There is only one Osteopathy
and that only way is through the process of Integration.”
John Wernham (1907-2007)
- Private patient Osteopathy / Acupuncture:
- ACC Osteopathy / Acupuncture
- After Hours
Acupuncture works with single-use disposable needles inserted below the skin. The scientific basis of how acupuncture works may be related to changes in blood flow to promote soft-tissue healing, and effects on the nervous system (gate-control theory of pain, neurotransmitters, endorphins, serotonin and so on). Traditional (Chinese Medicine) clinical paradigms of how acupuncture works, developed over thousands of years of empirical clinical observation and refinement, and describe changes in physiological processes and homeostasis in different language. These traditional acupuncture concepts, models and explanations (qi and blood, five phases, yin and yang polarity, etc) can provide a good working model of whole body processes, mechanisms and inter-relationships. Acupuncture treats the person — the whole body, not just the illness or isolated symptoms.
“The art of healing comes from nature, not from the physician.
Therefore the physician must start from nature, with an open mind.”
Paracelsus (15th Century, medieval alchemist and physician)
Call us now on 03 980 2425 or Click here to Email mikeinmanosteopath@yahoo.com