Click to See Fog Cannon Stopping a Robbery
Click Here For Non Emergency Number Video
You can call 105 from both mobile and landline phones. It’s a free nationwide service available day and night for New Zealanders and overseas visitors.
Click Here For Drug Seizures by Region
You can also go online to 105.police.govt.nz to report:
- Theft in a public place
- Theft from a car
- Intentional property damage
- Shoplifting
- Lost property
Community Patrols New Zealand
Community Patrols of New Zealand (CPNZ) is a national organisation that was formed in 2001. It supports over 5,000 volunteers in over 150 affiliated community patrols throughout New Zealand.
Community Patrols are organised and operated by their local communities and raise their annual operating expenses through local grants, sponsorships and donations.
Community Patrollers are volunteers working closely with Police as extra “eyes and ears” to assist Police and other agencies to build safer communities. Community Patrols are independent from the Police but receive regular Police guidance, training and tasking.
CPNZ are always looking for volunteers if you have some spare time they will be happy to hear from you.
Call us now on +64 4 817 0228 or Click here to email