Espresso Bar Christchurch
Open Hours:
Mon – Fri
7.00am – 3.30pm
Coffee Worx Christchurch
We are a comprehensive Christchurch coffee roasting and wholesale coffee supply company in the pursuit of coffee excellence.
Having won several New Zealand coffee awards and with a proven track record of producing premium coffee blends, we offer a highly successful partnership of customer care and support.
Ian and Deborah Riach, the owners of Coffee Worx, have been in the coffee industry since its beginnings in Christchurch. Our knowledge and experience in the coffee and hospitality industry is a real strength of the company.
We fully understand the daily pressures of producing a premium coffee offer and are committed to assisting our customers to attain the most cost effective and consistent quality, by providing excellent training and practical advice.
Call us now on 03 341 5040 Visit Website or Click here to email Coffee Worx